SharePoint | No valid proxy can be found


We have an exception while trying to Publish a Content Type.

Exception calling "Publish" with "1" argument(s): "No valid proxy can be found to do this operation."

At try.ps1:27 char:42
+             $contentTypePublisher.Publish <<<< ($_)
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodException


Yes, I have tried:

  • Going to Central Admin, Service Applications, MMS, Properties (Service) and ensure I am using the right URL under "Content Type Hub".

  • Going to Central Admin, Service Applications, MMS, Properties (Service Connection) and ensure I have checked "Consumes content types from the Content Type Gallery at [my_url]".

  • Forcing the URL setting with:
    Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication "Managed Metadata Service" -HubUri [my_url]

My problem was that the account used to run the script did not have enough permissions in the MMS Service Application.
  •  Going to Central Admin, Service Applications, MMS, Permissions (Service) and ensure my current account has Full Control.



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