SharePoint | No language-neutral solution exists in the store

2009-07-17 10:05:31 Error
System.InvalidOperationException: No language-neutral solution exists in the store.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Tools.Reflection.ReflectionUtility.InvokeMethod(MethodBase method, Object instance, Object[] parameters)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Tools.SharePointProxies.SPProxy.InvokeGetProperty(String name)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Tools.SharePointProxies.SPSolutionProxy.get_Deployed()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Tools.SharePointProxies.SPSolutionFacade.RetractSolution(String url, Guid id)
at VSeWSS.Server.Services.SPService.RetractSolution(String url, Guid id)

1. Connect to the MOSS configuration DB SharePoint_Config_9cca3ad9-c881-41be-9aec-ded7e6846be2. The final part of the name of this DB might differ from installation to installation so you might have to open the correct configuration DB on your server.

2. Execute the following simple delete statement and you’re done. For this you need to know the GUID of the solution you need to remove. You can find this by running stsadm –o displaysolution statement and specifying the name of the web part.

delete from dbo.Objects
where Id = 'AC302CD2-CCB7-4B8E-9D66-5E2BC8CA2FC8' -- GUID of the web part

3. Run "Missing Feature Checker" and remove unexistant features

4. "setup.bat/uninstall.bat" in your bin folder

5. restart visual studio!B1B8B0339D6B229D!278.entry

Force install the wsp with SharePoint Solution Installer.
Then use Visual Studio normally!


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