SharePoint CRASH | 503 Service Unnavailable

All your SharePoint Sites (Central Admin included) are 503 error crashing?

- This may have happened because of conflicting features and other server changes.
- You also probably moved your notebook to another location, or changed your connection do Internet/Network. As a result, SharePoint will not recognize the previously configured address at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file

If you just add [Active_Network_IP] [Your_computer_name] to the hosts file, it is very likely that you have your problem solved.

If not, follow these steps:

File: "hosts"
Delete line:
your_ip your_pc # Added by Office SharePoint Server Search (your_date your_time).

Start, Run, "Services.msc"
Stop and Start:
- Windows SharePoint Services Search
- Office SharePoint Server Search

3) (I think this one is optional, you can try skipping it)
Control Panel, Network devices, Network Device (lan, wan)
Desactivate IP v6 (checkbox)

Start, Run, "inetmgr" (iis)
Sites, Application Pools, Stop Start in app pools "Sharepoint 80", "Sharepoint ..."


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